Islamic Finance: Transformation Journey and New Windows of Opportunity
Article Overview
Beyond the headline growth numbers, the industry has experienced transformative changes, which supports the overarching goal of Islamic finance as a more inclusive and equitable financial system.
Report Coverage
- Market breadth and depth: Evolution and performance
- A deeper and more comprehensive industry
- Top Islamic Banking Jurisdictions
- Islamic Finance Innovations and Developments (1970s-present)
- Global Sukuk Outstanding (2009-2014)
- Sukuk Outstanding in Selected Jurisdictions (2009 and 2014)
- A widening issuer and investor base
- Global Halal Economy and Islamic Finance
- Global Halal Economy by Sectors
- Islamic Finance for Large and Multinational Companies
- Sukuk Issuance by Type of Issuer (2009-2014)
- Increased cross-border activity
- Cross-border Activity in Islamic Finance
- Cross-border transactions and deals
- Improving industry infrastructure (including regulatory developments)
- The Road Ahead
- Moving Forward: Four Key Spectrums of Developmental Focus
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